Kander The way to a man’s heart The settlement Cook Book 26th edition revised


segni d’uso e del tempo alla copertina, macchie e abrasioni al dorso, usura da scaffale, tracce di polvere (foto) leg. allentata alle prime pagine (foto) interno molto buono, pagine normalmente ingiallite, senza scritte o sottolineature

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The way to
a man’s heart

The Settlement
Cook Book

compiled by
Mrs. Simon Kander

Tested Recipes from
the Milwaukee Public School Kitchens
Girls trade and Technical High School,
Authoritative Dietitians
and Experienced Housewives

Victory (26th) Edition
Enlarged and Revised

The Settlement Cook Book Co.
Milwaukee, Wis.

cm. 20×14 leg. ed. ill. pp.623,
tagli colorati