Jorge Enciso Design motifs of ancient Mexico Dover Publication


normali segni d’uso e del tempo, copertina ingiallita ai margini e internamente ma in buone condizioni, (foto) legatura salda, alla pagina 152 macchia d’inchiostro all’angolo sup., pagine senza sottolineature


Jorge Enciso

Design Motifs of Ancient Mexico

Dover Publications

cm.23,5×16  br. ed. ill. pp.  153
interamente illustrato

Here is an unusual collection of pictorial material for artists, commercial designers, handicraft workers,
and at-home hobbyists 766 vigorous primitive designs that will add color and strong, rhythmic lines to textile work,
leather craft, wood and metalwork, advertising art, and other areas where novel decorative ideas are at a premium.
More than 90 percent of this material has never before been printed; all of it is royalty free.
You may use up to 10 items for any single use without fee or special permission.
The book reproduces plumed serpents, calendrical elements, wind gods, insects, toads, lizards, birds, real and mythological
animals, flowers, demons, the human head and figure, and hundreds of abstract ornamental designs derived from carved seals
of the Aztec, Maya, Totonac, Zapotec, Olmec, Toltec, and other early Mexican cultures.
This book is the finest inexpensive collection of such motifs to be found anywhere.